
Membership Subscriptions

Thank you for your interest in Berkhamsted Film Society. Annual membership gives free admission to all our films for the season. The Supper Evening film is extra to the main programme and admission is by ticket.

Subscriptions are as follows:

Annual Subscriptions - 2024/2025 Season
Member £50
New Member £45

The preferred method of payment is by bank transfer. Further details may be found on the Membership Application Form. If it is not possible to make payment by bank transfer, please make cheques payable to “BERKHAMSTED FILM SOCIETY”.

Please send your completed membership application form to:

Joanna Dugher,
Membership Secretary,
Berkhamsted Film Society,
11 Admiral Way,
Herts, HP4 1TE

or scan/copy your form and email

Membership Cards may be collected at the desk on film night.

For a copy of Berkhamsted Film Society's Membership Application Form, please click on the following link
PDFMembership Application Form (200kb)